Let’s get covfefe soon… It all started with a stupid idea. In German, there is this thing called „Schnapsidee“. Literally, it translates to shot-idea, similar to the stupid thoughts that pop into your head once you had a few shots too many. Even though the word implicates alcohol being the main reason, a Schnapsidee is typically something that is just born out of a spontaneous, very motivated moment of „Fuck, this is a GREAT idea, we HAVE to do this!!“.
This is the story of this Website. Instead of studying for my exams in linguistics, a friend and I had the brilliant idea to start a blog on the curious and funny nerd shit we find related to language. While procastinating browsing for funny or interesting domains that are still free to take, I came across this domain. And since covfefe, a wonderful creation by the internet, coincidence, and a former american president, who shall remain unmentioned as of now, is one of these phenomenons, we found the perfect spot for our thoughts: the covfefe zone.
For everyone who shares our love for language meeting absurdism.